Trump walks off stage as Angela Merkel ignores him.

Governments around the world are preparing to work with President-elect Biden — but they still have to navigate what could be a bumpy final 10 weeks of President Trump.

Split screen: Around the time Biden was holding his first call as president-elect with a foreign leader, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Trump was firing his secretary of defense, Mark Esper.

  • Not only is Trump clearing out his national security team — the directors of the FBI and the CIA are likely to be next — his administration has refused to initiate the transition process that’s intended to ensure a smooth handover to Biden’s team.
  • Trump loyalists are warning staff not to prepare for a transition, Axios’ Jonathan Swan reports, based on leaked audio of a conference call today with U.S. Agency for International Development staff.
  • An incoming president’s would normally receive access to the same intelligence as the sitting president, but Biden’s team won’t receive such briefings until the Trump administration certifies the election result, CNN’s Zachary […]
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