A Honduran mother holds her 2-year-old as U.S. Border Patrol agents take them and other migrants into custody at the U.S.-Mexico border on June 12, 2018, in McAllen, Texas.
John Moore / Getty

Last month, the world was shocked and outraged to learn that lawyers tasked with locating relatives of child migrants seized by U.S. immigration agents under the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” policy were unable to locate the parents of 545 children. Now it turns out that the actual number of children and infants separated from their parents is significantly higher than previously thought, according to an email obtained by NBC News.

In the email, Steven Herzog, the lawyer leading the effort to locate the children’s relatives and reunite the families, says that 666 children — about 20% of whom were under the age of 5 when they were ripped away from their parents — remain separated. Herzog attibutes the initial undercount to the fact that the government did not provide phone number contacts for 129 of the minors.

“We would appreciate the government providing any available updated contact information, or other information that […]

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