Seventy percent of Republicans say they don’t think that President-elect Joe Biden won a “free and fair” election, according to a new Politico/Morning Consult poll.

The response marks a stark increase from the 35 percent of GOP voters who said they felt the election would not be fair before Election Day last Tuesday.

Ninety-six percent of Democrats surveyed said they had trust in the election process and thought it was free and fair, up considerably from the 52 percent of party voters who said they thought it would be before the election.

An overwhelming majority of respondents overall, 69 percent, said they thought the country was going in the wrong direction despite the election results.

Republican respondents expressed specific worries and concerns about election integrity in contested battleground states like Pennsylvania, which was still counting votes Tuesday. 

Sixty-two percent of Republicans said the Pennsylvania results would be unreliable, contrasting with 8 percent of Democrats who held the same beliefs.

Distrust is similarly high about Wisconsin (55 percent), Nevada (54 percent), Georgia (54 percent) and Arizona (52 percent), with suspicion being amplified by the Trump campaign, which has filed more than a […]

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