Happy worker Credit: Getty

For many companies, their bottom line is–well–the bottom line, and rightfully so, especially during this pandemic. But what research shows us is that there is tremendous value in ensuring employees are well supported throughout challenging times, and it’s not just about good benefits.  

Gallup research has found that people thriving in the five elements of wellbeing–career, social, financial, physical, and community–are better employees. Career wellbeing is defined as liking what you do each day and being motivated to achieve your goals; physical wellbeing comprises having good health and enough energy to get things done daily; social wellbeing means having supportive relationships and love in your life; community wellbeing is liking where you live, feeling safe and having pride in your community; and financial wellbeing centers on managing your economic life to reduce stress and increase security. 

Gallup’s research has established that wellbeing is about much more than just physical wellness or happiness. Here are four ways employees thriving in all five elements of wellbeing demonstrate better performance. 

They Rebound Better Following Adversity  

Employees whose wellbeing is properly maintained are 36 percent more likely to report a full recovery after an illness, injury, or hardship. According to the American Psychiatric […]

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