One week ago today the U.S. Supreme Court sided with a group of New York churches and synagogues, overruling Governor Cuomo and declaring that even in a deadly pandemic that now is breaking new records, houses of worship are exempt from coronavirus restrictions on attendance maximums.

Now, in what experts are calling an “essentially unprecedented” and “unusual move,” the Supreme Court has just basically pressured a California trial judge to obey its ruling in the New York case.

Critics likened the New York ruling by the new Trump conservative-majority justices to “The Handmaid’s Tale,” where fascism, religion, and the Bible trump the law and common sense. Justice Sonia Sotomayor slammed her conservative colleagues in her dissent, accusing them of playing a “deadly game.”TAKE THE POLL: Will you take a coronavirus vaccine when it’s available?

Now the Supreme Court seems to be expanding its sectarian wings.

On Thursday the Supreme Court sent a California church’s request for “injunctive relief,” meaning a request it rule immediately in […]

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