Credit: Fernanda Latronico/Pexels

NEW YORK — What’s the key to happiness? Most people would probably answer that question with responses like love or family. Interestingly, a new survey of 2,000 Americans finds the true answer may be staying hydrated. The poll finds those who maintain proper hydration tend to be happier, more successful, and more energetic.

Respondents who drink at least six glasses of water daily (41%) are most likely to agree with the statement, “I’m very happy.” Conversely, only 12 percent of those drinking less than one glass of water per day say the same.

Commissioned by Bosch home appliances, the survey also reports 40 percent of Americans drinking more than six glasses of water consider themselves an optimistic person. Only 10 percent of those drinking less than one cup share the same sentiment.

Hydration also seems to have a big impact on rest and refreshment. People who drink lots of water (6+ cups) only wake up feeling tired 2.59 times per week. Those who drink minimal water wake up feeling exhausted 3.14 times a week. […]

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