Donald Trump | A pop-up art installation depicting a small child curled up underneath foil survival blankets in chain-link cages on June 12, 2019 in New York City, representing migrant children in U.S. Border Patrol custody. Photo illustration by Salon/Getty

Justice Department lawyers admitted on Saturday that the Trump administration is openly defying a court order issued by a federal judge who has frequently tangled with the DOJ since President Donald Trump took office.

Judge Emmet Sullivan ordered border officials last month to stop deporting unaccompanied migrant children without a court hearing or a chance to seek asylum in the United States. DOJ lawyers acknowledged in a court filing over the weekend that the Department of Homeland Security has ignored Sullivan’s order and since deported at least 66 unaccompanied migrant children in “contravention” of November’s ruling.

“Defendants regret that class members were expelled contrary to the Court’s injunction and are committed to full compliance with the Court’s injunction going forward,” the DOJ filing said.

The Trump administration is using a public health law that allows the government to temporarily block noncitizens to summarily deport more than 13,000 unaccompanied […]

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