One need not dabble in conspiracy theories to ask a simple question today: What should be done about Donald Trump having served as a Russian asset for the past four years?
In the wake of the recently revealed Russian cyberattack on the U.S. — apparently unprecedented in its danger to national security — it’s time for Congress, the media and the incoming Biden administration to move beyond the question of “if” Trump was helping his overt ally, Russian President Vladimir Putin. The relevant questions are why and how.
With the nation preoccupied with removing Trump from the White House without force, the timing might not seem ideal. But the results of Putin’s engagements with Trump are too many and too obvious: Someone needs to connect the dots.Take advantage of our limited time offer. Go ad-free for just $2 a week. Support independent journalism.
Today’s 24/7 news cycles are not suited for this task. They rely upon the instant gratification of breaking news stories as they present themselves, not analysis of how events might fit into […]