American militia member

A new study published in the latest edition of “Personality and Individual Differences“highlights the relationship between psychopathic tendencies, pathological personality traits and prejudicial views. Research suggests people with “calloused, deceitful, and manipulative interpersonal styles” are more prone to align with the beliefs of right-wing authoritarianism, according to PsyPost.

Sandeep Roy, a doctoral candidate with a major-applied focus on clinical psychology at the University of North Texas, explained the correlation between the two.

“My interest in the relationship between pathological personality traits, such as those captured by psychopathy, and prejudicial tendencies originated from my experiences working with offenders in the Arizona correctional system prior to graduate school,” said Roy.

He added, “I noticed offenders who were elevated in psychopathic propensities, as measured by the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R; Hare, 2003), frequently used racial epithets to denigrate me and other staff. When I began studying this personality disorder more in my graduate training, I noticed a paucity of literature relating psychopathy to prejudice.”

Roy went on to explain what inspired his research as he noted his […]

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