Mitch McConnell and a band of Republican orcs. Credit: AFP/Nicholas Kamm

On MSNBC Tuesday, anchor Mehdi Hasan tore into Senate Republicans, noting that the top ten richest of them either oppose the increased stimulus, or are only now coming around to it to echo outgoing President Donald Trump.

“In a year when America’s billionaires grew their wealth by a trillion dollars, McConnell and his merry band of multimillionaire GOP colleagues in the Senate denied an attempt to send $2,000 checks to ordinary Americans,” said Hasan. “McConnell blocked the relief measure from coming to the Senate floor for a vote, even though it passed in the House, even though the Republican president is on board with it, even though a majority of Americans, including a majority of Republicans, support it. But the Majority Leader and his super-wealthy friends said no.”

You should know who these people are. Our representatives, who are making life-altering decisions while living very different lives to the rest of us,” said Hasan. “These are the top ten wealthiest Republicans in the senate. Kelly Loeffler of Georgia, along with […]

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