Stephan: The moral vileness of Trump, and the U.S. Border Patrol, the lack of humanity and common decency of these men and women, simply cannot be exaggerated. These are disgusting human beings, and in my opinion, both ICE and the Border Patrol should be cleansed of anyone who participated in these programs, as one would flush out a septic tank.
Donald Trump | A pop-up art installation depicting a small child curled up underneath foil survival blankets in chain-link cages on June 12, 2019 in New York City, representing migrant children in U.S. Border Patrol custody. Photo illustration by Salon/Getty
Justice Department lawyers admitted on Saturday that the Trump administration is openly defying a court order issued by a federal judge who has frequently tangled with the DOJ since President Donald Trump took office.
Judge Emmet Sullivan ordered border officials last month to stop deporting unaccompanied migrant children without a court hearing or a chance to seek asylum in the United States. DOJ lawyers acknowledged in a court filing over the weekend that the Department of Homeland Security has ignored Sullivan’s order and since deported at least 66 unaccompanied migrant children in “contravention” of November’s ruling.
“Defendants regret that class members were expelled contrary to the Court’s injunction and are committed to full compliance with the Court’s injunction going forward,” the DOJ filing said.
The Trump administration is using a public health law that allows the government to temporarily block noncitizens to summarily deport more than 13,000 unaccompanied […]
Stephan: The idea of a second center in your gut is not new. Egyptian medicine held to this belief, and osteopathy has maintained this idea. However, this is the most refined and detailed understanding of the idea, and its implications are profound.
Scientists studied fetal and newborn mice to see when and how these neurons separate.
The “gut brain” is linked with emotional health and stress, but isn’t well understood.
Scientists have known for years that there’s a “second brain” of autonomous neurons in your long, winding human digestive tract—but that’s about where their knowledge of the so-called abdominal brain ends.
Now, in new research, scientists have catalogued 12 different kinds of neurons in the enteric nervous system (ENS) of mice. This “fundamental knowledge” unlocks a huge number of paths to new experiments and findings.
The gut brain greatly affects on how you body works. Your digestive system has a daily job to do as part of your metabolism, but it’s also subject to fluctuations in functionality, and otherwise related to your emotions.
Digestive symptoms and anxiety can be comorbid, and your gut is heavily affected by stress. So scientists believe having a better understanding […]
Stephan: All of us know someone whose life has been destroyed by their slipping away into Alzheimer's. And although medicine does not yet know how to stop this disease, it does know that the sooner you can diagnose Alzheimer's the more likely medicine is to be able to hold it at bay so that people can continue to live near-normal lives. The problem has been the only way to really make such an early diagnosis has been with a PET scan, and they cost thousands of dollars. Because we only have an illness profit system in the U.S. those without medical insurance or inadequate insurance, have been unable to get a PET scan. But now there has been a breakthrough and this is very good news. Here's the story.
Alzheimers Research LabCredit: Jerry Naunheim Jr./C2N Diagnostics/AP
A non-COVID medical breakthrough: People over 60 now have access to a blood test for Alzheimer’s disease.
Why it matters: The existing PET brain scan test costs some people about $5,000 and often isn’t covered by insurance, AP reports.
Both the blood test and the brain scan are looking for a buildup of a protein called beta-amyloid, which combined with symptoms like memory loss can lead to a dementia diagnosis.
The test hasn’t received FDA approval, and it’s being sold under rules for commercial labs.
The big picture: Roughly 5.5 million Americans may have Alzheimer’s-induced dementia, the NIH reports.
Earlier diagnoses can’t stop the disease, the NIH notes, but treatments can prolong the period before people lose the ability to function on their own.
Between the lines: C2N Diagnostics of St. Louis, which is selling the test and seeking FDA approval, hasn’t published any data on the test’s accuracy, AP notes.
Company promotional materials cite results comparing the test to PET brain scans.
The U.K. will become the first major industrialized nation to end all public finance for fossil fuel projects overseas, in an effort to mark itself out as a leader in tackling climate change.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson will make the announcement at a virtual United Nations summit on Saturday, which he’s co-hosting with France, Italy and Chile. More than 70 world leaders are due to attend the event, alongside Pope Francis and Apple Inc. Chief Executive Tim Cook, who will each pledge to step up ambitions to curb emissions.
He wants to use green policies to prove that the U.K. will continue to have influence outside the EU’s trading bloc, including to bolster relations with U.S. […]
Stephan: Proper hydration, drinking enough water, has been known to be a critical part of good health for generations. But until now there has been no research as to how proper hydration affected a person's emotional health. Now there is.
Credit: Fernanda Latronico/Pexels
NEW YORK — What’s the key to happiness? Most people would probably answer that question with responses like love or family. Interestingly, a new survey of 2,000 Americans finds the true answer may be staying hydrated. The poll finds those who maintain proper hydration tend to be happier, more successful, and more energetic.
Respondents who drink at least six glasses of water daily (41%) are most likely to agree with the statement, “I’m very happy.” Conversely, only 12 percent of those drinking less than one glass of water per day say the same.
Commissioned by Bosch home appliances, the survey also reports 40 percent of Americans drinking more than six glasses of water consider themselves an optimistic person. Only 10 percent of those drinking less than one cup share the same sentiment.
Hydration also seems to have a big impact on rest and refreshment. People who drink lots of water (6+ cups) only wake up feeling tired 2.59 times per week. Those who drink minimal water wake up feeling exhausted 3.14 times a […]