Proud Boys Credit: BBC

For years, many Western observers have wondered about how ISIS, and other fundamentalist Islamic organizations, have been able to radicalize so many followers.  In reality, the techniques involved are very similar to those used in the establishment of Trump’s base of supporters. In 2016, his election was enabled because there was a large segment of the people who felt disenfranchised by the establishment candidates in both the Democratic and Republican parties. Trump was able to capitalize on this perceived marginalization, and largely because of the electoral college system, surprisingly won the election.

What has been established further since Trump took office, is his inordinate leaning towards authoritarianism as a preferred form of governance. His admiration of various totalitarian leaders such as Putin in Russia, Xi in China, Erdogan in Turkey, and especially Kim Jong Un in North Korea is well known. Trump has even mused about being anointed as president for life, as has occurred in several […]

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