Republican Senator Josh Haley, a traitor to American democracy. Credit: Francis Chung/E&E News and Politico/Associated Press

The only good thing we can see in next Wednesday’s planned stage set of Trump vs. Democracy is that the challenge finally will put the names of Republicans who believe in a coup on the record.

In any normal world, that should mean that they have signed a political death warrant. Who wants to stand election in a world where elections are declared null and void?

But in these divided United States, these Republican plotters may well emerge as some kind of patriotic if zany Donald Trump loyalists worthy of a return to office. After all, it has been reported widely that most of the 74 million who voted for Trump believe without evidence the election for president was fraud-filled, and stolen by Joe Biden’s radical leftists. Almost five dozen court challenges later, there still is no evidence.

The only three election fraud cases to be prosecuted this year have involved individual Republicans seeking to vote for Trump.

We can expect that more than a few will […]

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