Those on the left have been accusing President Donald Trump of fomenting an insurrection because of the Capitol protest. But Trump never called for violence or a riot.
But these are the same people who for four years tried to take out and undermined the duly elected president of the United States through a false Russia Collusion hoax story. These are the same people who rioted on Trump’s Inauguration Day, attacking and setting fire to thing in Washington, D.C.(By the way, all those arrested in those attacks were ultimately released without any time for their actions). These are the same people who refused to go to his election, calling him illegitimate. These are the same people who ignored attacks on federal buildings for the last several months because they were perpetrated by those on the left, ignored over 700 law enforcement officers being injured and over 32 people being killed. These are the same people who celebrated the BLM radicals at […]
Congress does have power over the president and should not allow Trump to have the codes to set off a nuclear war. Trump is now the most dangerous person in the world. He is obviously the worst terrorist in the world. He should be in jail!!!! Also, all of his enablers should be in jail, too.
What an insult to our Democracy the whole GOP is. The Trumpers should all be taught that they cannot do such things in the USA, or any other country through the CIA actions, which have been done and documented.