Most every weeknight, Tucker Carlson entertains his audience with lies and misleading information. Unfortunately, his show boasts one of the largest audiences on the Fox News Channel. That, regardless the fact that even senior management, and their lawyers, acknowledge that he is not to be believed. It is equally unfortunate that his vast audience does believe much of the information that they are absorbing. While many in his listening audience may not be terribly sophisticated, there are those with advanced degrees, who yet fail to understand, or choose to ignore, the illogical nonsense that they are being fed.
Given the size of the audience, and the amount of false or misleading information put forth, Tucker is arguably very dangerous to the country. The extent of that danger was seen on 6 January, 2021 during which Trump incited an insurrection resulting in the US Capitol being attacked. Frankly, that could not have been achieved without the collusion of Fox News in general, including Tucker Carlson.
Previously, I addressed Read the Full Article
I totally agree with all you said, Stephan, and I know Mr. Alexander knows what he is talking about, and that it is the truth.