Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, the infamous Georgia Republican, has shown herself to be an anti-Semite and a white supremacist. She is also a bigot who last week posted a sign outside her congressional office that reads, “There are two genders: Male and Female. Trust the Science.” This was a direct attack on Rep. Marie Newman, an Illinois Democrat whose office is directly across the hall, and who has a trans daughter.
Greene is also anti-science and believes in all kinds of things that most intelligent and well-informed people would reject as absurd and delusional. And like so many newly radicalized “conservatives,” she proclaims her political affiliation as an identity. Several weeks ago, to protest her loss of committee assignments, Greene wrote on Twitter:
If @SpeakerPelosi was the minority leader, she would pull every identity politics trick in the book to defend her member.
White, Woman, Wife, Mother, Christian, Conservative, Business Owner
These are the reasons they don’t want me on Ed & Labor.
It’s my identity & my values.
It is no coincidence […]