Slow acceptance of the coronavirus vaccine among lawmakers is delaying plans for the House of Representatives to return to a full legislative session, allowing members like Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., to stall bills that have clear majority support.
About 25% of House members have either refused to be vaccinated, are avoiding it due to medical conditions or have not reported getting one, according to a memo from the Office of Attending Physician obtained by Axios. The memo said that congressional doctors cannot make new recommendations “regarding the modification or relaxation of existing social distancing guidelines” until they understand why members have not been vaccinated.
The report did not specify which members have been most reluctant to get the vaccine but polls show that white Republicans, particularly men and Trump supporters, are far more likely to oppose the vaccine than any other group, while Democrats overwhelmingly say they want a vaccine or have already received one. Congress has had its own vaccine supply since December.
“I won’t be taking it. The survival rate is too high […]
I have spoken to many who have taken the vaccines with no ill effects. I’ve heard from others who have, and some it has killed. It will be interesting to compare death rates from both COVID-19 and severe vaccine reactions once enough data on both becomes available. Meantime, It’s a personal choice the each person must make, and at least for now we still have that choice. Research to date has shown that younger people (like the one mentioned) are much less likely to suffer serious COVID complications, that is a known fact. To many it’s just like another case of bronchitis.
I think much more effort must be put into fact finding! We know the first cases were in Wuhan China. We don’t know the truth about it’s true origin though. If as suggested it was a man made bioweapon then China must be held accountable, accept responsibility and make reparations. A biological warfare commission must be assembled, and this type or research and development must be monitored or hopefully banned forever! As we are seeing now, this is a far greater threat to us all then fighter jets and cruise missiles! I hope you also find this reprehensible!