Russian President Vladimir Putin once again attacked the United States, this time during the 2020 election cycle, in order to help President Donald Trump win re-election, according to a just released declassified report from the U.S. National Intelligence Council, which is part of the broader United States Intelligence Community (IC).
“President Putin authorized, and a range of Russian government organizations conducted, influence operations aimed at denigrating President Biden’s candidacy and the Democratic Party, supporting former President Trump, undermining public confidence in the electoral process, and exacerbating sociopolitical divisions in the U.S.,” one of the report’s key judgments reveals.
The Wall Street Journal adds “Iran carried out a multipronged covert influence operation intended to undercut Mr. Trump’s re-election chances but didn’t directly promote his rivals,” according to the report. China did not actively interfere, the report also states.
“Despite the various foreign campaigns, however, the report said there were no indications any foreign actor had attempted to alter ‘any technical aspect of the voting process in […]
Hello Mr. Schwartz,
It pains me you keep falling for this Russiagate narrative. I was a Bernie supporter in both 2016 and 2020. I’ve written you before regarding the very minimal interference Russia had in our 2016 election (court documents show 100K, not to mention the bot assault which was shown to center around Jesus messaging and anti-masturbation ads (not kidding), but it apparently fell on deaf ears. Instead of rehashing that email, I found an excellent interview with journalist Aaron Mate’ on Matt Taibbi’s Useful Idiots podcast where he goes through the actual Russiagate EVIDENCE (hint: very little of it holds up). The bigger story regarding Russiagate is how liberal media got caught up with this narrative for over two years despite very little evidence.
Interview with Mate’ starts 27m 33s:
Ryan —
Sorry, I just deal with facts. If you think all the intelligence agencies in the United States have joined together to lie to the American population, the President, and the Congress, then please send me your proof that this is true. And please no rightwing crap.