United States Senator Ron Johnson said recently that he wasn’t scared when, on January 6, armed insurgents sacked and looted the United States Capitol. They “love this country,” the Wisconsin Republican said. But “had the tables been turned and President Trump won the election and tens of thousands of Black Lives Matter and antifa [stormed the seat of government], I might have been a little concerned.”
That statement was disturbing not only for the implicit racism it carried, but for the stunning confirmation of what’s becoming clear to those of us who are paying attention. The Republican Party has a paramilitary problem, and it isn’t new.
During his 2016 campaign, Donald Trump alleged, without proof, that the electoral system was fraudulent, raising concerns about the impact that his false accusations would have in the event of his defeat. His unexpected victory opened the door to the far-right fringe and legitimized efforts that contributed to strengthening the ties between them. Many feared that this close relationship would be critical in the 2020 presidential election cycle, with