Stephan: What is becoming ever more obvious is that President Trump, members of the right-wing media like Hannity, lawyers like Rudy Giuliani, advisors like Michael Flynn, as well as Senators like Ron Johnson, and Representatives like Devin Nunes were all explicitly essentially Russian assets working against the interests of the United States. To me they are traitors and I am amazed that at this point, with the exception of Flynn who was pardoned by Trump, none are being held to account for their actions and words. Apparently, you can commit treason in this country with impunity if you are rich enough and well enough connected. But if you are a Black teenager with a baggie of joints in your pocket you can go to prison for years. I'm sorry, I just don't find that acceptable.
The new intelligence report revealing that Russia coordinated with President Donald Trump’s campaign for the 2020 election came as a bombshell Tuesday. While it didn’t name names, it implied Rudy Giuliani was part of the disinformation effort as well as “The key element of Moscow’s strategy this election cycle was its use of people linked to Russian intelligence to launder influence narratives, including misleading or unsubstantiated narratives against Mr. Biden through U.S. media organizations, U.S. officials and prominent U.S. individuals,” the report said. “Some of whom were close to former President Trump and his administration.”
“There’s no rest for the weary because this doesn’t stop with this,” said Frank Figliuzzi, former FBI assistant director for counterintelligence. “It will keep coming. It is the new battlefield. And then, secondly, all of the people who just regurgitated every day and every night and, by the way, still do […]
Stephan: A very important report has just been released showing once again that Putin and Trump were in league and the Russian intelligence services were doing everything they could to rig the election in Trump's favor. There are a couple of things that should be borne in mind, that are not getting much if any coverage. First, this report was prepared before the Biden administration began, and it is only now that it has been declassified. Second, there are a number of important nuances to this report showing that Russia, but not China, consciously and deliberately tried to get Trump re-elected because they had some kind of influence over him.
The full report is too long for SR, but here is the link to download all 15 pages, and I urge you to download it and read it.
What is very clear from reading the full report is that Trump knew this was happening and did nothing which, in my opinion, is an act of treason.
Two of the world’s greatest criminals hanging out together
Russian President Vladimir Putin once again attacked the United States, this time during the 2020 election cycle, in order to help President Donald Trump win re-election, according to a just released declassified report from the U.S. National Intelligence Council, which is part of the broader United States Intelligence Community (IC).
“President Putin authorized, and a range of Russian government organizations conducted, influence operations aimed at denigrating President Biden’s candidacy and the Democratic Party, supporting former President Trump, undermining public confidence in the electoral process, and exacerbating sociopolitical divisions in the U.S.,” one of the report’s key judgments reveals.
The Wall Street Journal adds “Iran carried out a multipronged covert influence operation intended to undercut Mr. Trump’s re-election chances but didn’t directly promote his rivals,” according to the report. China did not actively interfere, the report also states.
“Despite the various foreign campaigns, however, the report said there were no indications any foreign actor had attempted to alter ‘any technical aspect of the voting process in […]
Stephan: Wealthy fascists are funding researchers to learn how to manipulate you so that you support or vote for what they want. Here are some insights into how that is happening.
As I am writing this we, in the United States, are in the midst of a medical crisis which has killed over 4,000 people today alone reaching a total of over 400,000 dead and, as if that were not enough, we have just experienced a White supremacist, authoritarian anti-democratic insurrection assault by Trump supporters on the nation’s Capitol, an attempt goaded on by a sitting U.S. President. An attack which killed at least five people, threatened to collapse1 our democracy, and that was supported by Republican Congressional members. But as you probably know that is just part of what is going on in America.
We are also facing economic collapse, the failure of our health care system, racial animosity and violence unseen in almost half a century,2 increased police brutality,3 and a level of governmental corruption so high as to be unequaled in American history.2 All happening in the context of a growing existential climate crisis.4 The American culture over the past four years has undergone a transformation of historic proportions, one that has brought consciousness, psychology, psychiatry, and brain behavior into sharp relief. Donald Trump began his presidency with an approval rate in the forties, and on the […]
Stephan: A physician friend wrote me this morning commenting on the fact that Republicans are not getting vaccinated and that this is going to have an effect on how the virus spreads, and how many die. I think he is spot on, and this report confirms that. I am going to follow the illness and death rate of Red states compared to Blue states. As you know from earlier articles I have published it is already clear that there is already a notable disparity showing states governed by Republicans have worse statistics than states governed by Democrats. It makes people very uncomfortable to acknowledge that, but facts are facts. If you live in a Red value state you are at greater risk.
Illustration by Sarah Rogers/The Daily Beast/ Photos Getty
The White House just launched a $250 million ad campaign to convince the vaccine-hesitant to get inoculated. President Joe Biden could save himself the money and call on political influencers to do it for him. Just up the street sit members of Congress—about 25 percent of them, mostly Republicans—who haven’t gotten it yet.
If our elected leaders can’t lead us to herd immunity, who can? Each member, under continuity of government rules, is entitled to the shot. No waiting on hold for an appointment, no traveling far afield to get it, no lines. The doctor, in the form of an Attending Physician, is literally in the House.
As the rollout continues, it’s not minorities rejecting the vaccine, even though they have reason to doubt their government’s intentions toward them and have the most trouble nailing one. It’s white Republicans who are resisting—like former President Donald Trump, who treated COVID as something between a hoax and a personal affront. Hydroxychloroquine, or bleach? Maybe. Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine? Hell no. Sen. Ron “Anon” Johnson said having COVID-19 is […]
Stephan: This is what concerns me. The Republican Party is anti-democracy, their 250+ bills to enact voter suppression introduced in state legislatures makes that very clear. But there is also a propensity for violence in that party. Here is some of the evidence.
White supremacist Republican Senator Ron Johnson
United States Senator Ron Johnson said recently that he wasn’t scared when, on January 6, armed insurgents sacked and looted the United States Capitol. They “love this country,” the Wisconsin Republican said. But “had the tables been turned and President Trump won the election and tens of thousands of Black Lives Matter and antifa [stormed the seat of government], I might have been a little concerned.”
That statement was disturbing not only for the implicit racism it carried, but for the stunning confirmation of what’s becoming clear to those of us who are paying attention. The Republican Party has a paramilitary problem, and it isn’t new.
During his 2016 campaign, Donald Trump alleged, without proof, that the electoral system was fraudulent, raising concerns about the impact that his false accusations would have in the event of his defeat. His unexpected victory opened the door to the far-right fringe and legitimized efforts that contributed to strengthening the ties between them. Many feared that this close relationship would be critical in the 2020 presidential election cycle, with