Biden signs executive order expanding voting access

Stephan:  Excellent good news. While the Republicans are doing everything they can to limit voting, particularly voting by Black or Brown voters, Biden is working to asssure those same people, all people, can vote.

President Joe Biden signed an executive order Sunday expanding voting access in what the White House calls “an initial step” in its efforts to “protect the right to vote and ensure all eligible citizens can freely participate in the electoral process.”The move comes as Republicans in statehouses around the country work to advance voter suppression legislation, including a bill in Georgia that voting rights groups say targets Black voters. Congressional Democrats, meanwhile, have pushed measures in recent days to increase voting rights, including HR1 — a sweeping ethics and election package that contains provisions expanding early and mail-in voting, restoring voting rights to former felons, and easing voter registration for eligible Americans.MORE ON VOTING RIGHTS

Brits watching Oprah’s Meghan Markle interview horrified by US prescription drug ads

Stephan:  I had the same reaction as the Brits, but that is my regular response. MSNBC, CNN, and Fox all seem to depend on drug ads to a disproportionate degree for advertising income. Note, as this report does, that in Europe and the UK where the healthcare systems are based on fostering wellbeing not making maximum profit you just don't see the endless drug ads. And it is particularly weird because as you listen to the cautions about side effects, many including death, you have to ask, who would take such a drug?

Some British citizens who watched Oprah Winfrey’s interview with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle appear to be more shocked by American drug ads than by anything the royal couple said.

As documented by Ayesha Siddiqi on Twitter, many Britons were stunned that Americans are constantly subjected to advertisements for prescription drugs that include lengthy lists of incredibly hazardous side effects.

The United Kingdom, which for decades has enjoyed the socialized medicine provided by the country’s National Health Service, does not have ads for prescription drugs, as medicine in the country is strictly a not-for-profit affair.

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Top 100 counties with the highest COVID death rates voted for Trump by 18 points

Stephan:  Social outcome data -- real facts, as opposed to fantasies or ideology -- is the product of scientific research measuring the effects of choices made by public officials who are put into office by voters. It is a measurement of how democracy works and is supposed to work. So here we have yet another proof about the inferior nature of Republican governance, and a case study in how what you vote for shapes your life. QED.
Mass murderer Donald Trump

The 100 U.S. counties with the highest death rates from COVID-19 voted for former President Donald Trump by 18 points, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

The data below comes from the GitHub data repositories of Johns Hopkins University, except for Utah, which comes from the GitHub data of the New York Times due to JHU not breaking the state out by county but by “region” for some reason.


  • Every county except those in Alaska lists the 2020 Biden/Trump partisan lean; Alaska still uses the 2016 Clinton/Trump results (the 2020 Alaska results are only available by state legislative district, not by county/borough for some reason…if anyone has that info let me know)
  • I define a “Swing District” as one where the difference between Biden & Trump was less than 6.0%. FWIW, there’s just 187 swing districts (out of over 3,100 total), with around 33.7 million Americans out of 332 million total, or roughly 10.2% of the U.S. population.
  • For the U.S. territories, Puerto Rico only includes the case breakout, not deaths, which are unavailable by […]
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Utility commission refuses to reverse $16 billion in ERCOT overcharges

Stephan:  Yesterday I ran a story on how the Texas electric power crisis was turned into a corporate profit grab. Now, today, we have the second chapter of that story. Yet another proof of the inferior nature of Republican governance. It is just so obvious I don't understand why people don't get it, but they don't. Hope you people in Texas are happy with who and what you voted for.
Texas Senate committee tries to understand what happened in Texas power crisis

About $16 billion in overcharges for wholesale electricity racked up because of a pricing error during the massive failure of the state’s power grid last month won’t be reversed, after Texas utility regulators rejected a recommendation that they make the change.

“It’s just nearly impossible to unscramble this sort of egg,” Arthur D’Andrea, the new chair of the Public Utility Commission, said during a commission meeting Friday.

Potomac Economics, a Virginia-based firm that’s paid by the state to provide an arm’s-length assessment of the Texas power grid, recommended Thursday in a letter to the commission that the overcharges — which were billed to retail electric providers, distributors and others — be reversed by retroactively lowering wholesale electricity prices for a 32-hour period beginning Feb. 18.

The overcharges occurred because the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, which oversees the grid and is commonly known as ERCOT, kept the prices at the maximum level allowable — $9,000 per megawatt hour — during the 32-hour period. ERCOT should have stopped intervening by then because the power crisis was […]

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How Joe Biden Has Changed the ‘Toxic Tone’ in the Oval Office

Stephan:  I have been very struck by the change in the tone of the White House in the Biden administration. For starters, the Press Secretary is no longer a shoddy daily liar; she tells the truth. We are nearly two months into the new administration and there hasn't been a single scandal. Two months into the last administration there were so many scandals, crimes, and corruption reports, it was hard to keep them all straight. And, because, Biden is actually committed to fostering wellbeing the entire process of governance throughout the government has taken on a different tone. Here's the story.

President Joe Biden prefers to hold meetings in the Oval Office sitting in an armchair next to the fireplace. He often has a slim leather briefing book at his elbow and sometimes balances a slender card on his knee while he’s talking, to reference figures and key points he wants to make.

It’s quite a contrast to the previous four years, when former President Donald Trump held court in the room from behind the oak timbers of the Resolute Desk, shooting off unpredictable, unscripted comments and belittling rivals as the cameras rolled. The desk was often bare, save a secure telephone and a red button he could press to order a Diet Coke. (“Do you want something to drink, folks?” Trump asked TIME reporters when he pushed the button on his desk during an Oval Office interview in June 2019. A drink arrived, but just for him.) In the waning weeks of Trump’s presidency, the room became a clearinghouse for fake conspiracies and lies that massive voter fraud cost Trump the election. (It didn’t.)

Now Trump’s soda button is gone, […]

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