Several days ago, the mega-popular podcast host Joe Rogan advised his young listeners to skip the COVID-19 vaccine. “I think you should get vaccinated if you’re vulnerable,” Rogan said. “But if you’re 21 years old, and you say to me, ‘Should I get vaccinated?’ I’ll go, ‘No.’”
Rogan’s comments drew widespread condemnation. But his view is surprisingly common. One in four Americans says they don’t plan to take the COVID-19 vaccine, and about half of Republicans under 50 say they won’t get a vaccine. This partisan vaccine gap is already playing out in the real world. The average number of daily shots has declined 20 percent in the past two weeks, largely because states with larger Trump vote shares are falling off the pace.
What are they thinking, these vaccine-hesitant, vaccine-resistant, and COVID-apathetic? I wanted to know. So I posted an invitation on Twitter for anybody who wasn’t planning to get vaccinated to email me and explain why. In the past few days, I spoke or corresponded with more than a dozen such people. I told them that I […]
Enjoy your reports and am usually in agreement. But you need to understand not everyone hesitating to get the vaccine is a whacked out, Trump loving, conspiracy theorist beliving, right wing wing nut.
I have been on the fence until recently for a variety of reasons, which include:
1.) I’m a firm believer that Mother Nature does a better job in the big picture than man. Sure just because we have the ability to create a vaccine doesn’t mean it’s in our best;long-term interests to use it. Vaccines have become another ‘pill for every ill’ crutch in our impatience for a solution now.
2.) we have no idea of the long term effects. No idea because we haven’t been using them or studying them long enough! I’m talking generations, not months-long or years-long studies. We just don’t know,. In fact I sometimes wonder if in our short attention span society there’s any real desire to know the long term effects.
3.) The new techniques at manipulating RNA scared me. I have to say the more I research the more I’m learning it isn’t new technology but existing technology used in a new area – vaccines. And BTW, this isn’t news but our media has done us a disservice by not pointing this out more clearly in their eagerness to reach us with their brand of entertainment.
4.) I don’t believe big pharma/big government is conspiring against us. I do believe that big pharma is a legal drug cartel backed by the government. Just look at how many drugs we take to offset the effects of the drugs we originally are prescribed to treat a condition! Need proof – visit any nursing home. Big pharma companies are not in business to improve health. They are in business to make a profit for their owners. They make that profit via creating products in the ‘health care’ area.
5.) and the tie-breaker. I firmly believe one can be sincere and be sincerely wrong. No further proof is needed than to look at the grand nutrition experiment we have all endured for the last 50+ years. That is, I believe the vast majority of everyone involved in this lightening fast vaccine development is sincere in their efforts and desires. But that doesn’t mean they are right. In fact it’s obvious if you examine the last year that we continue to learn more about this virus all the time. Some of those ‘facts’ stated by sincere , professional, intelligent people 9/10/11 months ago have since been modified, not because they intentionally misled us but because we’ve continued to learn.
there are more reason but these are the tops. And there’s a common thread that runs thru most of them.
All that said, I have recently decided that I will get the vaccine. Why? Because even with my strong initial inclinations against it I have convinced myself through research that the reward vs the risk is in my favor.
Thanks for your work. I look forward every day to your latest repot
Mark — My wife and I, as soon as we could get scheduled, got the two Pfizer jabs. — Stephan
Clearly this will become the first case of voter self-suppression! These folks get the Darwin award, which we can hang on their tombstones.
Be careful whom you condemn to death with your Darwin Award. There are infinite ways to “cull the herd” you can be vaccinated and still meet your end as will we all.
To tell you all the truth, I have never taken the yearly flu shot in my entire life. yet I have never gotten the flu. It is because I eat well and take good care of my body. But, I will be taking this Corona-virus shot because I believe this is the worst thing which has ever happened in the world and it cannot be escaped any other way, no matter how careful you are and one can never know who you might pass in a grocery store or any other place who might have the virus, and it is the most deadly virus I have seen in my lifetime. I will get this virus shot as soon as possible.
P.S.: I should add that previous generations of my family used supplements in the herbal realm which are usually much better than the vaccines used every year for the regular flu, although some are hard to find now days because they have been abused by people who rip up the whole plant instead of cutting off some of the roots and allowing the plants to continue growing for the next year (if the roots are the part which is an active supplement.