Whenever writing, I try to stay in front of the power curve on whatever topic I’m discussing. However, keeping ahead of crazy is become exceedingly difficult as the speed of our devolution of American democracy accelerates. Nearly two years ago, I wrote an article questioning whether or not America was a failing experiment. Since that time, even with the election of President Biden, and the Democrats acquiring a razor thin majority of the U.S. Senate, it appears the country has slipped closer to the abyss.
Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt, in their prescient book, How Democracies Die, note that in developed countries, death comes at the ballot box, not from military intervention. They now acknowledge there is coup taking place via voter suppression acts across the country. While they were relatively pessimistic about the survival of democracy at the time of publication of their book, in recent interviews they have noted that disintegration is taking place even faster than they would’ve imagined.
They are hardly alone in their concern about the status of American democracy. Recently, […]