It’s not just the Western region of the US that’s sweltering right now. Siberia in Russia is baking, and satellites are bearing witness to a brutal heat wave above the Arctic Circle. Copernicus Sentinel-3A and Sentinel-3B satellites captured a snapshot of land surface temperatures on June 20, and it was hot.
According to NASA, “Land surface temperature is how hot the ‘surface’ of the Earth would feel to the touch in a particular location.” The Sentinel image shows a peak ground temperature of 118 degrees Fahrenheit (48 degrees Celsius) near Verkhojansk, a small town usually known for its extreme cold temperatures.
The World Meteorological Organization has been tracking the rise in temperatures around the world. “The most dramatic change is in the Arctic, which is warming more than twice as fast as the global average,” the agency said Monday in a statement aimed at raising awareness of Read the Full Article
I believe the filibuster should be abolished.
There’ve been fires in Siberia recently.. The whole area is one giant methane tank and with the permafrost is gone this could cause a dramatic shift. One has to wonder how this will affect Putin and the current govt.