In 2021, some western states have been suffering record drought — one of the many examples of the type of crisis people can expect as climate change continues to accelerate. Far-right extremists in western states, however, aren’t pointing the finger at climate change, but rather, are using the drought to attack their usual targets, from Jews to Latinos. Journalist Kelly Weill, in an article published by the Daily Beast on June 24, describes some of the ways in which the drought is inflaming political tensions in western states and bringing extremists and conspiracy theorists out of the woodwork.
One of the effects of climate change, according to scientists, is more hurricanes and severe flooding in places that are prone to hot, humid weather and more droughts and wildfires in places that are prone to hot, dry weather. Humid Florida has a long history of being battered by hurricanes, but it can expect them to become more frequent as climate change accelerates. Similarly, residents of California […]
Water is life. No living thing can survive without water so we should protect it with all our love and being and pray we will still have enough to survive as a species.