NEW YORK, NEW YORK – U.S. President Joe Biden has seen an erosion in support since April, mainly from fellow Democrats, as his administration wrestles with Congress to make good on campaign promises and more Americans worry about an uneven economic recovery, Reuters/Ipsos polling shows.
A June 11-17 national opinion poll shows Biden is still more popular than his Republican predecessor Donald Trump ever was: 55% of adults approve of Biden’s performance in office and 65% like his response to the coronavirus pandemic. At this point four years ago, about 36% of adults approved of Trump’s job performance.
However, a growing number of Americans disapprove of Biden’s leadership on the economy, gun violence and taxation, with the biggest decline coming within Biden’s Democratic Party https://graphics.reuters.com/USA-BIDEN/POLL/yxmvjzlmkvr, especially those under the age of 40, non-white Democrats or those who do not have a college degree.
The economy has replaced healthcare and disease as a top concern, with nearly a quarter of adults who were polled calling it the most important problem. A majority of Americans are worried about rising living costs, and the public is […]
Republicans did not seem to care about Democratic ideas when they were in control, so why should we care now that we Democrats are in control?