Stephan: I have had several discussions with people about Critical Race Theory and I realize they don't really know what it is about. So here is a reasonable explanation, and as you can see it is about telling ourselves the truth about ourselves and our history. What they teach in most schools is a part of our history seen through a very biased lens. When you were in school did anyone tell you that of the first five presidents of the U.S., four were slave owners? Did anyone teach you that George Mason, one of the principal authors of the Constitution would not sign it, because even though he was a slave owner he wanted slavery to end, and foresaw that we would have a civil war within a century if the slave trade was not ended? No.Didn't teach you that? Didn't think so. but that is the sort of thing that should be taught.
President Lyndon Johnson signing the 1964 Civil Rights Act on July 2, 1964, which aimed to do away with racial discrimination in the law. But discrimination persisted. Credit: Universal History Archive/Getty
U.S. Rep. Jim Banks of Indiana sent a letter to fellow Republicans on June 24, 2021, stating: “As Republicans, we reject the racial essentialism that critical race theory teaches … that our institutions are racist and need to be destroyed from the ground up.”
Kimberlé Crenshaw, a law professor and central figure in the development of critical race theory, said in a recent interview that critical race theory “just says, let’s pay attention to what has happened in this country, and how what has happened in this country is continuing to create differential outcomes. … Critical race theory … is more patriotic than those who are opposed to it because … we believe in the promises of equality. And we know we can’t get there if we can’t confront and talk honestly about inequality.”
Banks’ account is demonstrably false and typical of many people publicly declaring their opposition to critical race theory. Crenshaw’s characterization, while […]
A new red herring—-critical race theory—-is constantly being pushed to once again harm Blacks and play to the Trump crowd!
Rev. Dean
on Friday, July 9, 2021 at 11:28 am
In college or a University, you are more apt to get a truthful understanding of things as they really are. There seems to be more liberal Professors who want to teach the “REAL” truth.
on Friday, July 9, 2021 at 1:13 pm
Slavery has been around for many thousands of years, and the United States deserves credit for ending it. Processes like these take time, and there should be no shame in the path it has taken. The Black population is now unequivocally free, and it is up to them to take advantage of their freedom, They need to start by emphasizing the importance of education, like the Jewish and Oriental communities have done. And they need to understand the importance of the family unit such that both parents take part in raising their children. It is up to the Black population to make Black Lives Matter!
A new red herring—-critical race theory—-is constantly being pushed to once again harm Blacks and play to the Trump crowd!
In college or a University, you are more apt to get a truthful understanding of things as they really are. There seems to be more liberal Professors who want to teach the “REAL” truth.
Slavery has been around for many thousands of years, and the United States deserves credit for ending it. Processes like these take time, and there should be no shame in the path it has taken. The Black population is now unequivocally free, and it is up to them to take advantage of their freedom, They need to start by emphasizing the importance of education, like the Jewish and Oriental communities have done. And they need to understand the importance of the family unit such that both parents take part in raising their children. It is up to the Black population to make Black Lives Matter!