FORT WORTH, TEXAS — The pastor was already pacing when he gave the first signal. Then he gave another, and another, until a giant video screen behind him was lit up with an enormous colored map of Fort Worth divided into four quadrants.
Greed, the map read over the west side. Competition, it said over the east side. Rebellion, it said over the north part of the city. Lust, it said over the south.
It was an hour and a half into the 11 a.m. service of a church that represents a rapidly growing kind of Christianity in the United States, one whose goal includes bringing under the authority of a biblical God every facet of life, from schools to city halls to Washington, where the pastor had traveled a month after the Jan. 6 insurrection and filmed himself in front of the U.S. Capitol saying quietly, “Father, we declare America is yours.”
Now he stood in front of the glowing map, a 38-year-old White man in skinny jeans telling a congregation of some 1,500 […]
I sense that the TX GOPl is very concerned about a non favorable potential outcome to the next elections. The fury usually rises on the tide of fear. Read this morning that TX gave citizens the right to arrest and detain women undergoing or planning to undergo abortions. Feels perilously close to the Middle Ages – when millions of women were accused of being witches and slaughtered across Europe – known as The Burning Times.