WASHINGTON, D.C. — Most Republicans want former President Donald Trump to have at least some influence over their party’s direction even as many who side with the GOP say they are uneasy about its future.
A new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research captures widespread unease among Republicans over everything from the direction of the country to the state of American democracy and, in particular, President Joe Biden. Just 15% approve of the way Biden is handling his job, and 66% continue to say the Democrat was illegitimately elected, a lie perpetuated by Trump that underscores his persistent grip on GOP voters.
Republicans have plenty of concern about their own party, too. Fewer than half of Republicans, 41%, say they are optimistic about the GOP’s future. Just 13% say they are “very” optimistic. And one third, 33%, say they are pessimistic.
Just a few seats shy of majorities in the House and the Senate, Republican leaders hope they are within striking distance of retaking control of Congress in next year’s midterm elections. But […]
Democrats are equally concerned about their Party’s future. Their Party has fully embraced transgenderism, the violence of Black Lives Matter, and complete abandonment of immigration law and U.S. border security. Both major parties are a disaster.
There are just no grey areas, nuance or compromise in your world is there? Just six months in and the destruction, cruelty, corruption and incompetence of $45 and the sabotaging republican party don’t allow improvement. Or is it antifa?
Antifa??? Antifa is a Republican fantasy. What is the corruption and incompetence you charge Biden with? Specific facts, please. Do you dispute this survey’s data. On what basis, what countervailing facts inform your statements?
I seem to be pushing your buttons today. My attempt at sarcasm is not coming through as I was replying to Michael’s comments denigrating the Dems. Saying that #45 caused so much damage that it cannot be repaired in a few months.
Why anyone would still be pro-trump or think that he has any role in anything is just baffling to me.