Stephan: This article is spot on but not complete in its analysis. It is not just corporate power; it is also the utterly corrupt nature of most politicians, and yes, in the U.S. the stupidity of the voters who put people like Manchin, Gosar, Gohmert, Green, and others like them, into office. And it is never going to change until we have publicly funded elections, and taking corporate money by a politician is grounds for removing them from office.
For years, it was assumed the world wouldn’t start seriously tackling climate change until we were directly confronted with its horrors—thereby revealing how truly reckless humans are.
But now that the world is engulfed in terrifying fires, heat domes, floods and droughts—yet still we don’t act!—it’s tempting to conclude humans aren’t just reckless but utterly stupid, unable to stop ourselves from going over a cliff, even as the jagged rocks below come starkly into view.
But that would be unfair to humans.
Recent surveys show most Canadians—and most of the global population as well—understand we’re […]