Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) is forecasting a Republican house takeover and a President Joe Biden impeachment in 2023.
“I’m very optimistic about 2022,” Cruz said on the latest episode of Verdict with Ted Cruz podcast. “I put the odds of the Republicans winning the house at 90/10 and it may even be higher than that.”
Cruz was not as optimistic about Republicans taking the Senate.
“I put our odds at 50/50,” he added. “I think it’s going to be a really good year but it’s a bad map.”
The Texas senator believes that if the GOP does indeed gain the majority in the House, impeachment would soon be on the table.
“If we take the House, which I said is overwhelmingly likely, then I think we will see serious investigations of the Biden administration,” he added.
“I do think there’s a chance of that,” Cruz said in reference to a Republican House impeaching President Biden. “Whether it’s justified or not, the Democrats weaponized impeachment. They used it for partisan purposes to go after Trump because they disagreed […]
The reason Ted Cruz said “Whether it’s justified or not, the Democrats weaponized impeachment. They used it for partisan purposes to go after Trump because they disagreed with him.”
IS BECAUSE HE DOES NOT BELIEVE IN THE CONSTITUTION OR THE RULE OF LAW. Trump being impeached for INCITEMENT OF INSURRECTION wasn’t actually disagreeing with Trump, while he sat on a couch in OUR Oval Office watching the violence on T.V. to get his narcissistic ego fix. The best thing that could happen to strengthen our country right now, would be to show RULE OF LAW – and convict and imprison Trump and his clown troup. Trump is not a king, he’s a criminal, and we all know it by EVIDENCE.
As usual, I agree with youLori.
I think Cruz is a dumb jerk. He must have an IQ of less than 60.