While laughter may seem like a trait exclusive to human behavior, nothing could be further from the truth. That’s at least according to a recent study which has found that the phenomenon of laughter is actually quite common in the animal kingdom too.
Can animals laugh?
Conducted by scientists at UCLA, the research explored the occurrence of laughter across different animal species. Investigating existing scientific literature on animal play behavior, the scientists looked for mentions of vocal play signals as an indication of the presence of laughter in animals.
At the end of their study, published in Bioacoustics, the researchers claimed to have found laughter across at least 65 species of animals. These included primates, cows, dogs, foxes, and seals, as well as a few bird species such as parakeets and Australian magpies.
“This work lays out nicely how a phenomenon once thought to be particularly human turns out to be closely tied to behavior shared […]
What a fantastic article! I work with special needs students, and have noticed a phenomenon that happens with them after we play the “make a face” game. Each student gets their turn at making various different face expressions that are called out, while the rest of us laugh and clap. The phenomenon that I’ve noticed, is that the students walk away with more individual confidence, and seem to be more socially connected to each other in the group. It is especially rewarding and heart warming, to witness a non-vocal student, participating in laughter.
Do the “Ho Ho Ho Meditation” of Dr. Norm Shealy. Hold your hands on your belly, and start releasing HO HO HO’s! Contagious laughter follows!
Thanks Roberta! Will do!💕😂
Laughter is the best medicine! Internal jogging: from the inside out, release what ever is blocked. Do the “Ho Ho Ho Meditation” of Dr. Norm Shealy.
My dog breaks out in bark laughter everytime I do the downward dog pose in yoga and try to howl😂