Credit: Gage Skidmore/Flickr
Two and a half years ago, Special Counsel Robert Muller submitted his report in which he declared that Donald Trump did not engage in a criminal conspiracy with agents of the Russian government who had interfered in the 2016 election on his behalf. Numerous members of Trump’s campaign were indicted on various related and unrelated charges, but the special prosecutors were never able to gather enough evidence of a conspiracy. While Trump had behaved in extremely suspicious ways, investigators simply couldn’t prove that he knew what the Russian government was doing.
Trump went on to spend his entire term committing overt acts of corruption, combining his business with his duties and openly defying all ethical restrictions against conflicts of interest. He blatantly obstructed justice many times and was even impeached for abusing his power by attempting to sabotage his political rival’s presidential campaign. He broke the law repeatedly and got away with it every time.
So why wouldn’t he engage in a conspiracy to […]
If Bozo and his Republican leaders are found guilty by sound evidence now, it would do well for “special prosecutors” to prove to the U.S. and it’s people that you cannot commit treason and sedition and still hold high office.
But maybe those special prosecutors should be looked at very closely – if they won’t.
What this teaches is the “Justice” is only for the little people.