Republicans are obsessed with transgender children.
They have spent a ludicrous amount of energy passing legislation to restrict what bathrooms trans kids can use and on which gender’s sports teams they can play. Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) even went after transgender people, devoting one of the 11 points in his GOP agenda to the issue, and justifying his attack by invoking the Bible — that “Men and women are biologically different” and “there are two genders.”
It’s not Democrats who have elevated transgender issues to a national obsession. Republicans are the ones who did that by whipping their base into a fury on the issue and convincing them that “elites” are trying to destroy their way of life, as they have with immigration, prayer in school, abortion, critical race theory and many other issues. (The quote from Scripture in Scott’s plan confirms that Republicans would proudly impose their religious views on the rest of Americans.)
The latest to go after trans kids is Texas’s Greg Abbott, the Republican governor infamous for […]
Transgender is a choice. You are either XX female, or XY male. Conditions such as XXY are so rare that they need not be mentioned. This gender assignment can never be altered. Transgender surgery is like the lipstick on a pig analogy. All the lipstick in the world cannot make a male XY into a female XX, nor can a transgender male ever have periods and bear children. Gay is a different story.