The West is in the grips of a climate change-fueled megadrought, and Lake Mead — the largest manmade reservoir in the country and a source of water for millions of people — has fallen to an unprecedented low.The lake’s plummeting water level has exposed one of the reservoir’s original water intake valves for the first time, officials say.
The valve had been in service since 1971 but can no longer draw water, according to the Southern Nevada Water Authority, which is responsible for managing water resources for 2.2 million people in Southern Nevada, including Las Vegas.
Across the West, extreme drought is already taking a toll this year and summertime heat hasn’t even arrived yet. Drought conditions worsened in the Southwest over the past week, the US Drought Monitor reported Thursday. Extreme and exceptional drought, the two worst designations, expanded across New Mexico, Arizona and Colorado — all states […]
The map that covers a great of the western U.S. is scary. Things have picked up speed. Wondering what the fossil fuel companies who are drilling and are going to do. I suspect at first much of the work teams will be flipped to night work. But you and I know, night doesn’t always mean a big difference. And then there are water supplies that are a huge part of fracking. I remember the biggest AG Bank stopped funding insurance on farmers that signed up to have them frack on their property.. That was several years ago and applied mainly to locations too close to farm houses, where they might cause serious health problems. Water supplies from aquifers that were formerly dedicated for non commercial uses. I’m going to start checking local city news in the red and deep orange areas to see what they’re saying. Even if they’re being paid off, when a situation turns dangerous you can’t continue to lie to the public.