Stephan: This I think is where the anti-choice movement is going. They know that about 40% of abortions are now done by medications, requiring no visit to a physician or a clinic. That is driving the anti-choice people crazy. That is why Texas wrote the law with a bounty hunter component. These people are determined to put women in a subordinate position, in which men control what a woman can do with her body. So in Red states, after Roe is overturned you are going to see all kinds of laws designed to stop women from leaving their Red state to go to a Blue state where they can terminate a pregnancy. Or making it illegal for a woman to order a medication and have it delivered to her home. That will only be possible with what is being called "uterus surveillance," and that will mean more laws forcing women into a second class status. And I predict millions of women in Red states will vote for submission.
Protesters at the Defend Roe v Wade Emergency March in San Francisco, US, last month. Credit: Michael Ho Wai Lee / Sopa Images /Rex / Shutterstock
If you are looking for a cheerful column that will make you giggle and distract you from everything that is wrong with the world, click away now. This week I have nothing but doom, gloom and data trackers for you. If you are hoping to sink into a well of existential despair, maybe let out a few screams into the void, then you’ve come to the right place.
Here goes: the US supreme court, as you are no doubt aware, is expected to overturn Roe v Wade and the federal right to an abortion very soon. At least 13 Republican-led states have “trigger laws” in place, which means that the moment Roe is overruled, abortion will be fully or partly banned. Other states will follow suit. According to the Guttmacher Institute, a pro-choice research organisation, 26 states are certain or likely to ban abortion when Roe falls.
Perhaps you are the glass half-full sort. Perhaps […]