The Fact Checker is keeping a running list of the false or misleading claims Trump says most regularly. Here’s what you need to know. Credit: Cassidy Araiza / The Washington Post

Note: The Fact Checker welcomes academic research of the Trump claims database. Recent examples include work done by Columbia University,Erasmus University of Rotterdam

✎ EditSignUniversity College London and the University of California at Santa Barbara. You can request our data files with an explanation of your research plans by contacting us at factchecker@washpost.comNEW: We have added a button to the database so you can download a CSV file yourself.

UPDATE: The final count for the Trump claims database is 30,573. For more information, follow this link.

It took President Trump 827 days to top 10,000 false and misleading claims in The Fact Checker’s database, an average of 12 claims a day.

But on July 9, just 440 days later, the president crossed the 20,000 mark — an average […]

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