Survey reveals that 2 in 3 young adults don’t know who America declared its independence from in 1776!

NEW YORK — Independence Day may be synonymous with summer, but a new survey finds many Americans should go back to school! It turns out one in three people don’t know how to spell “independence” — and even fewer know why Americans celebrate on the Fourth of July!

Specifically, the poll of 1,030 Americans, commissioned by, found over a third spell independence incorrectly. Moreover, researchers add that internet searches for “how to spell independence” skyrocket by 85 percent during the July 4th holiday weekend.

The most common way people misspell this important word in the American lexicon is by using an “a” — spelling it “independance.”

Other common misspellings include independense, indpendence, indiependence, and independents — which is actually a real word, but there’s no such thing as Independents Day.

Are you an indepen-dunce?

Spelling isn’t the only thing giving many people trouble on the Fourth of July. The survey also discovered that plenty of respondents deserve an 

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