Stephan: The hysterical anti-choice crowd who are committed to keeping women in second-class status are now planning to try and stop girls and women from leaving Red states to go to Blue states where they can get the medical procedures or pills they need. And the mechanism for doing this is vigilantes. Fanatics who hope to make money stopping the women, or those who help them. It is very important that you be very clear that the anti-choice movement is not about protecting children. If that were the case then Red states would lead the Blue states in pre-delivery health care, delivery healthcare, early childhood support and healthcare, and youth education. But, in fact, none of that is in fact what is going on. In states like Mississippi or Louisiana, you would do better to have your child in any one of a number of African nations than those states. I think this vigilante scheme is going to backfire big time on the Red states because, again, what fertile woman or what mother of a raped girl, like the 10-year-old in Ohio, would choose to live in a Red state where one's life could be turned upside down by some White mouth breather -- they will all be Whites -- hoping to make money from your decision to terminate a pregnancy?
Lori Lamprich, volunteer driver with Midwest Access Coalition, drives her car from St. Louis, Missouri, over the state border to Illinois, on June 25, 2022. Lamprich drives abortion seekers across the Mississippi River to Illinois, where abortion remains legal. Credit: Angela Weiss / AFP / Getty
Following President Joe Biden’s Friday executive order protecting abortion rights, a Planned Parenthood of Montana spokesperson tells Truthout the organization will not reverse its decision to discontinue providing medication abortion to patients traveling from states where abortion has been banned after the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade.
The organization, which operates five clinics in the state, had previously cited legal concerns about patients potentially traveling with abortion pills provided by Planned Parenthood of Montana clinics back home to states that have banned abortion, and then taking the pills there. The organization, however, is continuing to provide such patients with surgical abortion procedures (since they can guarantee the procedure happens in state).
While the safe and effective two-pill regimen may be given at a clinic in a state that has not banned abortions, like Montana, the patient […]