Is market-based decision making compatible with a sustainable relationship between people and nature?
A new assessment from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) found that decisions about nature are being made based on a narrow range of values that precipitate biodiversity loss.
“Biodiversity is being lost and nature’s contributions to people are being degraded faster now [than] at any other point in human history,” IPBES Chair Ana María Hernández Salgar said in a press release. “This is largely because our current approach to political and economic decisions does not sufficiently account for the diversity of nature’s values.”
The IPBES Assessment Report on the Diverse Conceptualization of the Multiple Values of Nature and Its Benefits was approved on Saturday by representatives of the organization’s 139 member states. The approval came days after the IPBES — which is considered the IPCC of biodiversity — approved another report showing just how much humanity relies on wild species. The most recent report is […]
Once again, I totally agree with you Stephan.