Stephan: Not one Republican voted for the Inflation Reduction Act, the biggest and most important act ever passed for combating climate change. The legislation will fund more than $370 billion for climate and energy programs aimed at helping the United States cut greenhouse gas emissions by an estimated 40 percent below 2005 levels by the end of the decade. It will also extend for three years subsidies to help people afford insurance under the Affordable Care Act, as well as lower the cost of prescription drugs by allowing Medicare to directly negotiate prices and capping recipients’ annual out-of-pocket costs.
Do you get that? Get very clear. The Republicans to a person couldn't care less about your wellbeing, or the world we will pass on to our children. They are just whores working to support their corporate clients who pay them so much.
House Republicans are planning to try to open up Democrats’ $740 billion tax, climate and health care bill to a legal challenge after it passes, Axios has learned.
Why it matters: The move is Republicans’ way of showing their base that they’re going to great lengths to kill the legislation, which is likely to be unanimously opposed by House Republicans.
“I would be shocked if anybody [in the GOP] voted for it,” said Rep. Drew Ferguson (R-Ga.), the House Republican chief deputy whip.
Driving the news: Republicans, led by members of the right-wing House Freedom Caucus, plan to get “as many members as possible to vote by proxy” in order to deny Democrats a physical quorum, two senior Republican aides told Axios.
The bill would still pass, but Republicans hope a company affected by the tax provisions in the bill will then sue to challenge the law’s constitutionality.
Fueling their plan is the fact that so many members are voting by proxy: there were […]