Stephan: Last night I listened to Sean Hannity on the Fox propaganda network. To learn about the trends shaping our future I feel I have to look at MAGAt media. It was amazing. Like all the other people on Fox, I don't know how or, more importantly, why, they do what they do. I know they are paid huge sums of money, but is that it? Are they nothing but high-priced whores? Hannity told one lie after another. Virtually nothing he said was either honest or honorable. He's not stupid; he knows he is lying and doing massive harm to America. And yet he does it anyway. He knows that millions of Americans are in such a fugue of fear, hate, and resentment that they are easily manipulated by the Republican MAGAt hypocrites who seek power and wealth through this manipulation. What I come away with from watching Hannity or Carlson or Bartilloma or the other Fox propagandists is always the same, their complete lack of integrity, and sadly, the inability of about a third of Americans to live in a fact-based reality. Fox is the most watched cable channel in the country.
Human anatomy illustration, central nervous system with a visible brain Credit: Shutterstock
Cognitive psychology and neuroscience studies have found that the exact opposite is often true when it comes to politics: People form opinions based on emotions, such as fear, contempt and anger, rather than relying on facts. New facts often do not change people’s minds.
Your worldview, including beliefs and opinions, starts to form during childhood as you’re socialized within a particular cultural context. It gets reinforced over time by the social groups you keep, the media you consume, even how your brain functions. It influences how you think of […]
I believe Hannity and the Magats are fear driven.. never having enough, never being enough. Convinced that someone or some ‘thing’ is always after them. Perhaps it began with trauma in their early years, which is one of the powerful energies out there. It influences and changes people over a lifetime unless it’s recognized and eased or healed. Fear is what births and drives rage. There’s an old African proverb – ‘Their eyes are so clouded with emotion, they cannot see.’
Rev. Dean
on Sunday, August 14, 2022 at 10:00 am
Right, Sam; and “their minds are so clouded with fear that they cannot think” – that is my version of the same.
I believe Hannity and the Magats are fear driven.. never having enough, never being enough. Convinced that someone or some ‘thing’ is always after them. Perhaps it began with trauma in their early years, which is one of the powerful energies out there. It influences and changes people over a lifetime unless it’s recognized and eased or healed. Fear is what births and drives rage. There’s an old African proverb – ‘Their eyes are so clouded with emotion, they cannot see.’
Right, Sam; and “their minds are so clouded with fear that they cannot think” – that is my version of the same.