- The healthiest states in America are concentrated in the west and northeast of the U.S. – with Washington, Massachusetts and Utah leading the way, a new report finds
- Meanwhile, the least healthy states are in the south – with the report naming Louisiana the worst off, followed by neighboring Mississippi and Alabama
- Experts have blamed higher smoking rates and less ‘walkable’ cities as reason for the poorer health in many southern states
- Southern states often have higher poverty rates as well, a factor often linked to many of the causes of poor health
Southern states are the least healthy in America, according to a new report.
NiceRx, and online pharmacy platform, gathered data on obesity, smoking rates, exercise levels and diet from 49 of 50 states, and used data to generate a ‘health score’ for each that rates the overall health of each state from zero to ten.
The bottom of the list is entirely made up by states in the U.S. South. Louisiana is the least healthiest state, with a score of 1.32. Nearby Mississippi (1.46 health score), Alabama (2.08), Kentucky […]