Stephan: The christofascist MAGAt movement has been working for years to destroy public education or, if they can't dismantle public free education, then they want to restructure it so it does not educate instead it indoctrinates. And christofascist corporations like this cell phone company, Patriot Mobile, are financing this. Not surprisingly this is going on most intensely in Texas, a failed state that has become an anocracy. Why are the MAGAts so focused on this? The answer is simple. Ostensibly this is about promoting Christian nationalism. The real reason is that study after study has shown the more educated a person becomes the more likely they will vote Democratic and care about preserving democracy.
Karl Meek went to a Grapevine-Colleyville Independent School District board of trustees meeting Monday wearing a T-shirt with the district’s name, GCISD, crossed out and replaced with the words “Patriot Mobile Action ISD” to protest the political action committee’s influence over the school system. Credit: Emil T. Lippe / NBC News
DALLAS — A little more than a year after former Trump adviser Steve Bannon declared that conservatives needed to win seats on local school boards to “save the nation,” he used his conspiracy theory-fueled TV program to spotlight Patriot Mobile, a Texas-based cellphone company that had answered his call to action.
“The school boards are the key that picks the lock,” Bannon said during an interview with Patriot Mobile’s president, Glenn Story, from the floor of the Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, in Dallas on Aug. 6. “Tell us about what you did.”
Story turned to the camera and said, “We went out and found 11 candidates last cycle and we supported them, and we won every seat. We took over four school boards.”