Stephan: Have you ever heard of the New Apostolic Reformation? Mainstream media, which is very leery of critically covering any Christian religious movement, has reported almost nothing about it. This is one of the several failings of mainstream news organizations. But you should know about it, and I hope you will click through and read the full article, because this secretive christofascist movement is trying to take over the American government and turn it into a christofascist anocracy. I know, from emails various readers have sent me, that some of you think I have become a bit hyper over my concern about christofascism. As I hope this article will show you this is fully justified. In my opinion, this movement should be the focus of more attention not less.
Pennsylvania Republican gubernatorial nominee Doug Mastriano is one of the New Apostolic Reformation’s best-known political proponents. Credit: Jeff Swensen / Getty
On 20 January, 1994, a group of 120 churchgoers at Toronto Airport Vineyard Church fell to the floor in hysterical laughter, some of them barking like dogs and roaring like lions.
Randy Clark, the visiting preacher from St. Louis who sparked the outburst, proudly described them as “drunk” on the Holy Spirit. But that raucous week sparked what’s come to be known as the Toronto Blessing, a twelve-and-a-half-year revival that attracted visitors from scores of countries to a crusade that, 30 years later, has transformed into what might be the most influential force in Christianity today: the New Apostolic Reformation. And they have one clear goal in mind—ruling over the United States and, eventually, the world.
NAR, as it’s often called, is a shadowy movement, rather than an organization; many who are considered a part of it deny that it even exists. Broadly, it seeks to return church structures to the fivefold […]
Michael Edwards-Ronning
on Saturday, August 27, 2022 at 8:27 am
I find this so heartbreaking, because I myself visited Toronto in 1998, and had truly extraordinary spiritual experiences. But the New Apostolic Reformation folks, instead of relying on the Spirit to guide lives and culture, have chosen to rely on brute political power, forcing others to obey their interpretations of Jesus by compulsion instead of persuasion. In short, they have not learned the lesson of Christ’s temptation in the wilderness! Satan came offering him all the kingdoms and riches of the world: Jesus said No; but they said Yes and got into bed with the likes of the vile Trump. They need to re-think this grievous error and return to their first love.
I find this so heartbreaking, because I myself visited Toronto in 1998, and had truly extraordinary spiritual experiences. But the New Apostolic Reformation folks, instead of relying on the Spirit to guide lives and culture, have chosen to rely on brute political power, forcing others to obey their interpretations of Jesus by compulsion instead of persuasion. In short, they have not learned the lesson of Christ’s temptation in the wilderness! Satan came offering him all the kingdoms and riches of the world: Jesus said No; but they said Yes and got into bed with the likes of the vile Trump. They need to re-think this grievous error and return to their first love.