Uneasy lie the souls of hundreds of thousands who rest entombed in the cemeteries of Arlington, Gettysburg, Normandy, Flanders Field, Luxembourg, Ardennes, Punchbowl, Lorraine, Meuse-Argonne, and North Africa or are enshrined in battle monuments at Guadalcanal, Saipan, Papua New Guinea, Busan South Korea, Morocco, Cabanatuan Philippines, and thousands of places known and not. And not to be forgotten are those consigned to oceans deep for whom no markers bear witness. For restless are they who gave the last full measure of devotion that an ideal might be fostered. That ideal was the notion of America. America was both a place and an ideal, imperfectly formed, yet conceptually-striving to do better. For decades that notion served the world as the bright shining beacon on the hill only to be dashed in one fell swoop with the election of a wannabe authoritarian.
For the interred souls, warriors all, their philosophical bent, be it liberal or conservative, mattered not. It was loyalty to the Constitution, and the framework of America, that bound them inextricably and forever. Now […]