Energy efficiency actions have accelerated globally in 2022 as governments and consumers have increasingly turned to efficiency measures as part of their responses to fuel supply disruptions and record-high energy prices, indicating a potential turning point after several years of slow progress.
Global investments in energy efficiency – such as building renovations, public transport and electric car infrastructure – reached USD 560 billion in 2022, an increase of 16% on 2021, according to the IEA’s latest market report, Energy Efficiency 2022.
Preliminary data indicate that in 2022 the global economy used energy 2% more efficiently than it did in 2021, a rate of improvement almost four times that of the past two years, and almost double the rate of the past five years. If the current rate of progress can be built upon further in the coming years, then 2022 could mark a vital turning point for efficiency, which is one of the key areas for international efforts to reach net zero emissions by 2050.
The IEA analysis found that, thanks to energy efficiency actions taken since 2000, […]
Whatever happened to the movement to use alcohol to run our cars on? It is much more clean and helps the environment? Right now it is only used in partial additions to the gasoline.
P.S.: I really do not like the fact that they put new electric car stations where there used to be parking for disabled people, LIKE ME. People who own electric vehicles are probably not disabled and should not get the right to take over Disabled people’s parking spaces.