Sweden Is No. 1 for Patents
While Sweden is only the 15th biggest country in the European Union (by population size), it leads the way with the number of given patents, as it’s a nation that places a lot of emphasis on digital technology (did you know Spotify was founded in Sweden?)
Other inventions that can be attributed to the Swedes include the three-point-seat belt, the pacemaker, oat milk, the pipe wrench, the walking frame, and more.
Green Nation
Sweden is one of the greenest countries on the planet, with its citizens incredibly environmentally conscious. In fact, Sweden is currently fifth in the world on the Environmental Performance Index.
Check out some of these numbers — just 1% of the trash in the country is sent to landfills, 52% of it is used to produce energy, and 47% is recycled. The Swedes are so good at converting waste to energy that they actually import trash from other nations in order to support the work of its companies producing energy!
A Lack of Hierarchy in Swedish Society
Swedish […]
When thinking differences in govt. systems in Northern Europe that support well being, it’s important to remember at the same time the differences in mindsets from American’s beginnings. And factoring in the size differences is very important, esp. in relation to costs of social welfare, the constant influx of immigrants, etc. There are between 350 and 430 languages spoken in the United States of America, making it one of the most linguistically diverse countries in the world. There are 5 languages typically spoken in Sweden.
There are 8 political parties represented in the Swedish parliament. We can only dream of that type of diversity.