Here is some good news from Biden and his FDA about women being able to control their own bodies. It is still not optimal, but the new regulations are better. I predict at both the federal and state level in 2023 Republicans will attempt to block this. The anti-choice/male dominance community has not given up.
Let me also say something about my views on abortion. I am a scientist, and what I care about is objectively verifiable data. The evidence is overwhelming that there is continuity of consciousness. That is: consciousness is causal and fundamental. Spacetime arises from consciousness not consciousness from spacetime. There is an eternal self in the nonlocal nonphysiological consciousness domain, what religion calls the soul. Episodically this eternal self chooses to manifest an incarnate personality. We choose our race, our culture, or parents our socio-economic level. This is the realm of the will. An abortion is essentially a woman saying I am not prepared or feel I am unable to take on your incarnation. It does not kill the eternal self seeking to manifest the physical incarnation of a personality and its physicality.
Abortion simply denies passage into the physical through that woman. That eternal self must go to other women, other passages. The entire anti-abortion worldview is based on materialism, and that is not supported by the facts. It is also brutally manipulative.
The policy, once implemented, will allow chain and independent pharmacies to stock and dispense mifepristone to pregnant people with a prescription. | Credit: Allen G. Breed/AP Photo
The FDA on Tuesday updated a rule allowing brick-and-mortar pharmacies to dispense the abortion pill mifepristone — expanding access to the drug amid a wave of state efforts last year to impose restrictions.
Pharmacies in more than a dozen states that have near-total abortion bans would not be able to participate and those in states without bans would have to go through a certification process to qualify.
The Biden administration took a major step to open up access in 2021, making permanent pandemic-era rules allowing people to access the pill within the first 10 weeks of pregnancy via telemedicine and mail delivery. But the FDA’s proposed rule opens new legal and regulatory fronts in the ongoing battle over abortion following the fall of Roe v. Wade, and is likely to draw lawsuits from anti-abortion groups and state officials.
What’s in the rule:The policy, once implemented, will allow chain and independent pharmacies […]