Stephan: The sabotage of public education by Republicans, in my opinion, is not getting anywhere near enough attention in the media. Republicans do not want an educated populace because the more education a person has the more likely it is that they will vote for Democrats. What the Republicans want, which is what all fascists throughout history have wanted, is a malleable indoctrinated, instead of educated, populace that can be easily manipulated through their fears and resentments. A country does not become a world leader in technology, for instance, when the population is indoctrinated instead of educated. This strategy has long-term multi-generational implications, as anyone who spends a few minutes looking at North Korea and its population can easily discern. Republicans are using school vouchers -- now they are calling them education savings accounts (ESAs) -- and charter and private schools to achieve their ends. Here is a useful explanation concerning what ESAs are all about.
Credit: gadfly on the wall blog
Although a sizable number of Republican candidates in the 2022 midterm elections who were counting on school vouchers to be a winning issue—including Tudor Dixon in Michigan, Kari Lake in Arizona, and Tim Michels in Wisconsin—went down to defeat, school vouchers are not about to go away. Voucher advocates are instead changing the name and pushing for education savings accounts (ESAs).
ESAs are legal in around 10 states so far, but if this new idea for promoting school choice hasn’t already been proposed in your state, it may be appearing there soon. Here’s what education savings accounts are, how they work, and what policymakers and families in your state should consider before rushing headlong into adopting this idea.
What Are ESAs?
Education savings accounts are a kind of super-voucher. While traditional vouchers give parents a chunk of taxpayer money that they could use for tuition at the school of their choice, an ESA gives parents a chunk of taxpayer money that […]
David Axtell
on Monday, January 9, 2023 at 10:38 am
I would be interested in a report on who is funding “free” online schools. They range from 1st grade to high school and no mention is ever made of who is funding them. Someone must be. I’m not talking about Khan Academy, but about schools that claim to be equivalent to public school, but totally online.
Rev. Dean
on Monday, January 9, 2023 at 12:01 pm
Karl Marx was correct in what he said about Capitalism: it is a self-destructive form of government in which the rich get richer and the poor get more poor.
I would be interested in a report on who is funding “free” online schools. They range from 1st grade to high school and no mention is ever made of who is funding them. Someone must be. I’m not talking about Khan Academy, but about schools that claim to be equivalent to public school, but totally online.
Karl Marx was correct in what he said about Capitalism: it is a self-destructive form of government in which the rich get richer and the poor get more poor.